Being a part of Team Floret // Part I

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen that I recently travelled to the Skagit Valley, WA in the USA to be part of Team Floret.  What an honour it was to help teach an incredible group of eager to learn, flower loving souls!  
(This is my second year as part of the team, and third time visiting Floret - I was an attendee in 2015 at the Wildflowers Workshop).

If you don't already follow Floret.. well, you should!  Erin Benzakein runs a small flower farm on only two acres with her family and a small team.  She's a grower of organic flowers, educator,  author and influential leader in the flower world.   You can check out what her workshops are all about and read up on what Erin and her team do here.

I love sharing my knowledge and trying my best to inspire and encourage others to follow their dreams just as much as I love chasing my own.   I'm so very grateful to have met some truly amazing and encouraging individuals on my travels, especially those I've met through Floret. They are so very special to me now and I'll always keep them close in my heart... even if they are a million miles away! 

Hoping you enjoy these photos of Day One of the workshop - Gathering from the fields of Floret.
I'll be sharing more from this workshop soon - the installation and farewell dinner on Day Three.

I'm very thankful for this blessing and beautiful adventure... here's to many more!!

Tanya xo